Understanding the Skin Microbiome and its Relationship to Dermal Therapies


Image Source – wellnessbyrosh.com This information is intended for Dermal Therapists and Cosmetic Nurses or anyone considering completing a formal course in dermal science or a cosmetic nursing course. Introduction The human body contains trillions of microorganisms out numbering our human cells by 10 to one. In fact, microorganisms make up only about 1-3% of…

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New TGA Guidelines for Advertising Cosmetic Injectables

Welcome to our new micro-learning series on industry regulations. Following on from the recent changes to Ahpra’s guidelines, this micro-learning module discusses the new TGA guidelines for advertising cosmetic injectable services. We encourage you to read through this presentation, complete the quiz questions at the end and log as a CPD activity.

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Celebrating International Women’s Day with the Women Empowered Fund 2024

International Womens Day

Businesswomen in Developing Countries The Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science (AACDS) is a passionate supporter of women in business especially women in developing countries who have a fraction of the support and resources we have here in Australia. Businesswomen in developing countries must also work against a tide of obstacles that we rarely encounter…

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New Changes in Cosmetic Injectable Advertising Regulations

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In a significant move affecting the cosmetic injections and aesthetic industry, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia announced adjustments to advertising rules surrounding Schedule 4 substances. This decision, communicated through a letter dated January 15, 2024 addresses the use of general terms such as ‘anti-wrinkle injections’ and ‘dermal fillers’ in advertising materials for cosmetic…

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Free Micro-learning Module on New Ahpra Guidelines

Free Micro-learning Module on New Ahpra Guidelines: As of the 1 July, Ahpra’s updated Guidelines for medical practitioners who perform cosmetic medical and surgical procedures came into action. Many Cosmetic Nurses and Dermal Therapists ask, “do these new guidelines impact me or only medical doctors?” The new guidelines are written specifically for medical doctors, though will impact virtually everyone…

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